Prenatal Training 

Prenatal training includes trimester appropriate exercise programming, and along with the whole body alignment and imbalance correction normally present in any Springbank Pilates training, puts stronger emphasis on core and pelvic floor awareness, activation and education. 

Prenatal fitness is not so much a list of what to do and what not to do, as it is knowing what to look for and what questions to ask when you are performing an exercise. What is appropriate for another may not be appropriate for you. 

All women have different strengths, abilities and muscle imbalances leading into pregnancy, which will determine how your body is going to react to being pregnant and what is ideal for you to do during this time.

Prenatal training can have tremendous benefits in terms of your comfort during pregnancy and can set you up with skills and a knowledge base for rehabilitation and recovery postpartum.

Postnatal Training 

So you got the baby out... now what? Cue all the questions. When can I return to exercise? How fast can I return to exercise? What exercises should I do? I'm so tired, do I NEED to exercise? What is diastasis? What do I need to know about the pelvic floor? 

If you’re like most women, the changes that your body has just gone through with labour, birth, and hauling around a little wiggly load for 9 months can leave you feeling disconnected with your body, overwhelmed with how you will do anything about it and overloaded with questions.

As with every body I train, the answer to a lot of questions is usually "it depends": On what training you did before birth, your physical abilities, what kind of labor and birth you had, energy levels, your goals.... and the list goes on.

All of my postnatal training starts with an emphasis on gentle core & pelvic floor reconnection and education (especially if you didn't already train with me prenatally), and then transitions to a progressive and appropriate pilates and/or strength training plan. This plan will help train you for life with your little one, the new physical challenges that that includes and help you reconnect with your body.